Wednesday 23 April 2014

Top 5 Wednesday- Fictional Technology

I recently decided to start doing top 5 Wednesday which I know is mostly for booktubers but I decided to do my own list here.
This week’s topic is top 5 Fictional Technology.

No. 5
Wi-Coms- Across The Universe
Wi-coms are small chips that are inserted behind someone’s ear which is used as a way to communicate with others. I found this very cool. I mean who wouldn’t want a phone device that took up no space, is impossible to lose and has no call fees. Even though Wi-coms have their flaws I would definitely want to get one.

No. 4
Androids- The Lunar Chronicles
The Lunar Chronicles is filled with all different kidns of technology but may favourite by far were androids. It would be great to have a little helper who could also be a great friend at my house. Especially if there were androids like Iko with bright and bubbly personalities I would definitely want to have one!

No. 3
Portals- The Mortal Instruments
Portals aren’t technically ‘technology’ but partially magic but I still count them as technology. I think the idea of being able to go anywhere in the world would be awesome and I really wish portals were real so I could travel without having to go to airports and catch planes.

No. 2
Glasses from Antarctica- Champion (Legend series)
These glasses were not mentioned much in the book but I thought were an amazing invention which I again wish were real. Basically they were used to identify people but also to identify the ‘point system’ they had on Antarctica in the book. Basically whenever you did something good for society you were awarded points, the more points you received the more power you usually had and the more respected you were. The glasses enabled you to see ways you could get points, for example in the book there was a plant with a +2 over it. This meant that if you watered the plant you would get two points. As June addressed there are a few flaws in the system but I overall found it very cool and I really wish someone would get started on inventing glasses like this now. I mean seriously, I’ve been waiting for the Google glasses for 5 years now!

No. 1
Daedalus/ Annabeth’s laptop- Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus
This laptop was created by Daedalus who if you didn’t know was an inventor in Greek mythology who was most famously known for creating the labyrinths. Later in the series Daedalus gives the laptop to Annabeth. It is a laptop that can change shape into a tablet or a phone. HOW CONVENIANT IS THAT! As well as that the other features it has that are demonstrated in the books are a 3D scanner as well as having all the inventions and plans of Daedalus which I’m sure would be very useful. If I could have any piece of technology from a book given to me, it would definitely be this laptop!!

There you go my top 5 Fictional Technology

 Here are the YouTube channels of all the Top 5 Wednesdayers
If you would like to join here is the link to the goodreads group which anyone can join J

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