Tuesday 22 April 2014

City of Lost Souls Book Review

City of Lost Souls is the fifth book in the TMI series. I have finally been able to read all the current Cassandra Clare books (well beside the Bane Chronicles). This book was definitely my favourite of the series and now I am eagerly awaiting City of Heavenly Fire. I definitely need that book right now!!!

*The rest of this review will have spoilers so please do not read if you have yet to read this book*




This book just made me fall in love with all the characters even more! And OMG that ending! I am so curious as to how on earth Sebastian got angels wings and how he got into the institute too. I didn’t really fully understand how his whole transportation system worked. Like how at times him and Mace just appeared and disappeared. I’m pretty sure it was explained at the beginning but I totally forgot now. I was so angry that Sebastian died in the end or at least didn’t get the tiniest bit injured. If Sebastian doesn’t die in the next book I’m just gonna be so mad. SEBASTION MUST DIE AND IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!! I never trusted him throughout the book and when Clary’s ring went missing I immediately knew it was Sebastian who had it. I suspected that he had known about hate rings since I thought it would be pretty obvious. At first though when he was talking to Clary and was saying that he had changed too and how he had become more like Mace. I thought that maybe he developed Jace’s feelings for Clary as well. It was disgusting how Sebastian wanted to marry Clary to ‘strengthen the blood line’ or some shit. I was so proud of Clary and the way she fought Sebastian and I was silently cheering her on while I was reading.

Clary I feel in this book fought a lot more than in any of the other books put together. It was awesome to see Clary finally fighting as a shadow hunter and I was really engaged and eager to read the parts where Clary fought.  I felt like she had a lot of character development especially during this book and City of Fallen Angels and I really like her as a character a lot better now than in the earlier books.

I also like Jace a lot better in this book. (Okay just a little side note I’m writing this on my stupid computer and every time I type in Jace it either comes up with Mace, Jane or Jake so sorry if one of those names pop up) Anyway I really liked the talk he had with Clary at the end and I really think they make a great couple together. I really hated the Jace that was under Sebastian’s sort of control. It surprised me that I missed the Jace which I actually hated in the previous books. I’m really curious as to what will happen to the heavenly fire in Mace in the next book.

I also loved reading more and Simon and Isabelle, Alec and Magnus (however sad it was that they broke up at the end L (damn you Camille) and Jordan and Maia. It was interesting to compare the different romantic relationships with all the characters. I’m seriously worried about who’s going to die in CoHF because as they say the only thing worse then a dead OTP is half a dead OTP. Oh please Cassandra Clare don’t let half of my OTP’s die. :,(

I’m also interested to see if the wolf praetor’s group thing will be more involved in CoHF I feel like they will be. I also feel like they have a sort of history with Luke. I’m also super excited in the next book to see more of Jen and maybe Tessa??? I am so so so excited!!!! I also want to know the whole deal with Maureen and why on Earth she’s distilling everyone… I also want to learn more about Magnus’ father which I heard Cassandra Clare say we’ll get more information on.

Anyway back to City of Lost Souls I loved seeing Jem more and how he was so interested in Jace. And you can call me crazy but I’m sure I’m the only person who cried when Clary and Jace saw the copy of A Tale Of Two Cities with Will’s note at the front. I actually started crying L I mean why doesn’t Tessa have it?
So there you go my thoughts on City Of Lost Souls and a few of my theories for CoHF. Thanks for reading this review, if anyone actually bothered to J

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