Saturday 26 April 2014

Panic Book Review

Panic by Lauren Oliver is a contempory stand-alone set in a town called Carp in New York. Every summer a game is played by the graduating seniors called Panic. Panic consists of various challengers which range from risky to dangerous to almost suicide. Everyday of the school year everyone needs to contribute one dollar which gets added up and is given to the winner of Panic. The book is told from the points of view from two seniors living in Carp, Heather and Dodge. Heather finds Panic stupid but then decides to play after a split-second decision. Dodge has been planning on playing for years for revenge. The story weaves together the story of both characters very well. The whole book kept me on the edge of my seat and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole book. Parts of the book especially when they were playing panic were intense and scary but there were also sad and touching scenes. I loved all the characters and felt really sorry for all of them being thrown into super tough situations. I rate this book 4 - 4.5 stars. I would have liked to give it 5 stars but I felt the ending was rushed and I didn’t feel satisfied with the ending and just wanted to know more. I would recommend mend this book to fans of Lauren Oliver or anyone looking for a slightly less cute and fluffy contempory. I think that this would be a perfect summer read for anyone looking for a quick yet enjoyable book.

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