Thursday 1 May 2014

Top 5 Wednesday- Characters I Hate

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Here we go!

5. Benedict Lightwood- The Infernal Devices
If you have read the Infernal Devices series, especially Clockwork Princess, you probably really hate Benedict as well. Let’s start by saying from the beginning he was sexist and was totally against Charlotte, a girl, running the institute. Throughout the series you find out more and more about how disgusting he really is. You also find out all the terrible things he has done and how sick he really is.

4. The King (Maxon’s Father)- The Selection Series
This is a recent one since I just read the Elite last week. So if you’ve only read the Selection he’s not that bad. He gets worse though in the novella The Prince and you get to see how much control he really has over his son. By the Elite though I fully hated him. I’m really hoping he meets a fitting end in The One. It’s kind of hard to explain how much I hate him without spoiling The Elite but let’s just say I would gladly push this guy off a cliff. Him and Celeste of course. :P

3. Octavian- Heroes Of Olympus
Octavian is such an annoying brat! Basically he’s a third generation demigod of Apollo. He also has to power of seeing the future when he sacrifices stuffed toys to the gods. So basically he goes around grabbing teddy bears and poking out their stuffing. Ok first of all he’s a THIRD generation demigod. Doesn’t that mean his great grandfather was Apollo? How does Octavian even have a power, or why is he the only one at camp who has these powers? What about the actual children of Apollo? What is Octavian even doing at camp? He also blackmails the other demigods into voting him as leader. Throughout the series he does even more annoying and frustrating things and I will start a protest if he doesn’t meet a fitting ending in Blood Of Olympus! #BoOOctavian

2. Sebastian- The Mortal Instruments
Okay I’m pretty sure if you’ve read the mortal instruments this is pretty self-explanatory but anyway I’m ready for Sebastian to die in City of Heavenly Fire! #downwithSebastion

1. Marcus Eaton (Tobias’s father)- Divergent Series
So surprisingly the number one character I hate the most is Four’s dad from Divergent. Marcus throughout the whole series really annoyed me and I never understood how he was still a ‘leader’ of sorts throughout the series. I was definitely not happy with his ending! I suggest reading The Transfer (the first book in the four short stories) it will definitely fuel your hatred for this asshole.
So there you go the character I hate! Hope you enjoyed hearing my thoughts on these characters. Thanks for reading J

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