Tuesday 7 October 2014

Top 5 Wednesday- Female Characters

Hi again!

So for this topic you need to pick your top 5 female characters. This was super hard for me to choose since I read so many books with awesome female characters in them that I love for heaps of different reasons. Because of this I will also add on a few honourable mentions of a couple other female characters that I have to mention but didn’t quite make the top 5. So let’s get straight into it!

5. Reyna- Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan
Ever since Reyna was first introduced in The Son of Neptune I really liked her. I really admired her character especially after all she had gone through and how she was still able to achieve so much such as running the whole camp Jupiter. Don’t get me wrong I still love Annabeth and Hazel and all of the other female characters in this series but to be perfectly honest Reyna is definitely my favourite.

4. Celanea Sardothien- Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Celanea has got to be one of the strongest female characters I have ever read. I suppose the reason for this is because she is a highly trained assassin. Throughout the first two books in the series Celanea shows her physical strength and skills in so many different ways. We see how great she is in all different aspects of fighting as well such as archery, sword fighting or really any other weapon form. I also like that even though she is really tough she is still in some senses ‘girly’ she still cares a lot about what she looks like and what she wears. I found this really refreshing and fun. Also she loves reading which is pretty cool as well J

3. Isabelle Lightwood- The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

The reason why I love Isabelle is a little like why I love Celanea. She again is a strong character who is always ready to kick butt. As well as this though she is also very into her appearance and what she wears even more so than Celanea. At many times during the book she walked around hunting demons wearing high heeled boots. She of course also has her cool bracelet that can uncurl from around her wrist and turn into her awesome whip. Of course Isabelle is also hilarious and sassy making her an even better character J

2. Tris Prior- Divergent by Veronica Roth

So I can’t have a list of top female characters without adding Tris. I loved Tris as soon as I first started reading Divergent. Throughout the series Tris grew so much and turned into such an amazing and strong female character. She has got to be one of the bravest and most selfless characters I have ever read about and she is probably the one character I look up the most to.
1. Tessa Grey- The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

So Tessa has got to be my favourite female character of all time. The number 1 reason for this though is because of her love of books.  I loved how throughout the book she would still think about all the books she had read and how they compared to the situation she was going through. Also I loved how strong she was throughout the whole book and I also loved how much she cared and loved all the characters openly. Also I did find Tessa quite relatable with the love of books as well as the fact that Tessa is not the most physically strong character but how she is still able to be an amazing female character.

Honourable Mentions

Katniss Everdeen- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I really felt mean leaving out Katniss from this list since she is one of the most popular female characters in literature. I don’t really love Katniss as much as most people do but I still really admire and look up to her. I mean how strong must a person to be to face through all that Katniss had gone through all her life specially making it through two hunger games as well as surviving and pretty much leading her own rebellion. 

Penryn Young- Penryn and the End of Days by Susan Ee

So Penryn doesn’t quite make this but she would pretty much come 6th on this list. First off Penryn is super funny and witty throughout the book no matter how what she is going through. The other reason why I really love her is because of how smart and amazing she is at fighting. When Penryn was wrong she took heaps of different self-defence and martial art classes. This has made her super awesome at fighting and I loved how when she was in a fight she would explain what she was doing making it feel like I could fight like her too.

Kestrel- The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski

Kestrel again is a character that I super admire but didn’t quite make the top 5 list. What I love the most about Kestrel is that she is super intelligent but pretty terrible at fighting. I mean she can fight but she has very limited skills. Throughout the book we also see some of Kestrel skills in leadership and strategy which made her even more admirable. I am really looking forward for the net book to come out so I can read and learn even more about Kestrel.


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