Tuesday 14 October 2014

Top 5 Wednesday- Book You Didn’t Expect To Like but Did

This topic is pretty self-explanatory but basically you need to pick the top 5 books that you didn’t expect you would like before you read it but then you did! I usually tend to underestimate a lot of books so it was really easy to pick a top 5 so here you go J

5. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer- Michelle Hodkin

I had heard really good things about this book but I also heard that it was a paranormal which I’m not really a big fan of. I also heard that the main character wasn’t really trustworthy which also made me hesitant to read these. I ended up really loving this book and am super glad that I ended up reading this book.

4. Throne of Glass- Sarah J. Maas

One of the first things I heard about this book was that it was high fantasy. I am not really a fan of fantasy books since I find them really confusing and really hard to get into. This book was totally different though. I found it a lot easier to get into then other fantasy books and plus the characters were all super interesting and fun making the book even better.

3. Daughter of Smoke and Bone- Lani Taylor

This is also another high fantasy book that I had heard lots of great things from but was hesitant to pick up. Even though this book was super confusing at times and was definitely high fantasy I still loved everything about it from the thick plot, to the amazing characters and beautiful writing style. I’m super glad I ended up picking this book up in the end.

2. Anna and the French Kiss- Stephanie Perkins

The first thing that really turned me off this book was of course the title. The cover of the edition to the right also really turned me off this book. A few years ago I had zero intentions of ever reading this book. Over the year though I heard absolutely no bad things about this book and it felt like everyone loved this book. I thought this book would be super cheesy and really boring. When I read it though I ended up really enjoying it, maybe not as much as everyone else but I still definitely really like this book and am super happy that I read this.

1. Fallen- Lauren Kate

This is the book that I was most surprised that I liked. I had hardly heard anything good about this book at all and I also heard that it was a lot like twilight. To be honest the only reason why I really read this book was because of the upcoming movie. I ended up actually liking this book though. I wouldn’t call it a favourite and I can’t really say I loved it but it still surprised me. I’m actually quite glad that I read this book and I’m looking forward to watch the movie even though I’m not sure if I’ll end up finishing the series.






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