Tuesday 1 July 2014





Here is the link to the goodreads group of you are interested in joining J https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/118368-top-5-wednesday

Here we go! :

5. City Of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

As this is a Cassandra Clare book that I have eagerly been anticipating the release of this book definitely did not disappoint! I loved everything about this book from the characters to the plot to the world building! Everything was fantastic and this is definitely my favourite book in the series!!!






4. Love Letters To The Dead- Ava Dellaira

I went into the book not knowing very much about what this book was about but then ended up completely loving it and making this book probably one of my favourites of all time! I loved this book so much especially because I related quite a lot to the main character in terms of us both being quite shy. I also really liked the way the book was written, in letter form as the title suggests. I would definitely recommend this book to fans of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower because the ideas, and way the two books are written are quite similar. I was super excited when this book was optioned as a film and I really hope that happens soon!



3. These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner

Okay, I admit it I bought this book purely because of its beautiful cover but was so surprised to find out just how much I loved it. The story was super cool and people have been describing it as a titanic meets space which is kind of, but not completely true. The thing I probably loved the most about this book was, well the romance, but also the character development. It’s hard to find such character development over just one book but this book did it perfectly! I’m so excited to read the novella coming out at the end of the year as well as the second book, which I know follows different characters as well as the ones in this book!



2. Cress by Marissa Meyer

I love the entire Lunar Chronicles but Cress, for me, was by far the best! The thing I liked best about this book was probably Cress’ character, who was basically just a Fangirl (just like me). It was really cool to read about a character that I could really relate to. I also of course really like Cress and Carswell Thorne’s relationship and Creswell are definitely one of my OTP’s! This book also of course was filled full of action and adventure and was really everything I love and look for in a book. It sucks that Winter is coming out in December 2015 but at least we get two Lunar chronicle books in one year J



1. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

Surprise! Surprise! Another Cassandra Clare book has made the list! This book is now in my top 3 favourite books of all time and the Infernal Devices is definitely by far my favourite series! The thing I loved probably the most about this book was again the AMAZINGLY FANTASTICAL CHARACTERS!!!! From Tessa, Will, Jem, Sophie, Gideon, Gabriel, Henry and Cecily I loved them ALL so much!!!!!! As well as that need I mention my ultimate OTP Wessa, even though do ship Jessa too... NO SHAME!!!! But if you haven’t read this series though, GO READ IT NOW!!!!! Trust me, you will love it!


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